Analyze busiest times to ensure you are always preparedOne of the most important signs of professionalism in medical units is their ability to handle patients within a reasonable time frame and have the needed specialists who can provide care. Make sure you understand which your busiest times are and when exactly your staff is needed the most so you never experience any difficulties or have to send patients away.
Have real time information of your medications suppliesWith a well-structured database and a dashboard displaying your current supply of medicines you can make sure you never run out of anything. Track deliveries and expiration dates, quantities and changes in pricing at any time to allow better decision making and correct budgeting. Allow yourself to be always preparedTrack every information that can provide you with valuable insights at any time. From the amount of hospitalized patients, number of available beds, most common diseases and the age groups they affect, the numbers of patients according to parameters such as season, age, type of medical insurance- all this can give you the right information to act in prevention of problems, rather than solving them when they occur. |